村上春树的短篇小说《All God's Children Can Dance/神的孩子都在跳舞》,已由Scott Coffey改编为同名英语电影,导演是Robert Logevall,Jason Lew演Kengo(即书中的善也),而母亲则为陈冲。继【东尼瀧谷】之后,又一成功改编村上春树小说的电影。剧情描述Kengo一直相信自己是神的孩子,而上帝就是他的父亲。直到一天,Kengo偶然瞥见可能是生父...
Warning for naive people!this is a very adult movie. I had caught the first one so i rented this out of curiosity and because i think Lila Baumann is hot! The movies has a British feel in it though i ...
A sequel movie to The Diary 2 (1999). 1930s. Anna (Lila Baumann), the primary character has reinvented herself in Italy as an actress and she is set to star and produce in a film by an Italian product...
传奇巴西地下电影杰作《杀死家庭看电影去》有两个版本,69年的原版(http://www.douban.com/subject/1791012/)和91年的这本翻拍版,导演Neville de Almeida同样来自70年代的“边缘电影”运动,此次与前辈Júlio Bressane共同改写了部分章节,却达到了意想不到的效果和好评,当然影片原本就有的反叛另类风格依然得以延续。。。...