400年前,沃克家唯一的一个孩子从海盗“辛格兄弟会”的屠刀之下死里逃生,并意外获得了一件刀枪不入的战衣,从此,专门惩奸除恶的“幻影侠”诞生了。一晃眼已是二十一世纪,克里斯(莱安·卡勒斯 Ryan Carnes 饰)是沃克家的第二十一代传人,为了躲避辛格兄弟会的追杀,他不得不离开了家乡,跟随养父母来到了美国。...
An ex soldier comes to visit a military friend and finds trouble right away. It all starts with a rape of a girl by the local thugs in the town. He must use his fighting skills to defeat the thugs....
Maria Francisca, a wealthy young heiress and her friend Mariana De Castro, a young protestant widow, are accused of witchcraft and taken before the Spanish Inquisition of Lima, Peru....